CNHPS offers the following services for older adults and their caregivers:
Seniors Connect Café
Are you an older adult seeking social interactions? The Seniors Connect Café meets every Thursday morning. This includes a free lunch twice monthly if desired. Starting in January, two new Wednesday morning options will be added: a “themed table” social luncheon to choose instead of the regular luncheons, and a social chair exercise session. ​Listen to what Luan has to say about her experience in the video. May this be something for you? We can help you find transportation supports if you do not drive.
Intergenerational Program
There are twice monthly in-person intergenerational activities taking place every second and fourth Tuesday afternoon from 3pm to 4:45pm in which youth and older adults share stories, make crafts, or play board games together. Every other Saturday, from 10:30am to 12:30pm, an intergenerational cooking class takes place. To join a cooking class, pre-registration is required.

Weekly connections with a Volunteer
Do you find it difficult to go out and would you prefer a one-on-one connection? Do you live with a chronic or serious condition? The weekly connections may be with a trained adult volunteer, or with a trained young person, either in-person or via telephone.
Please listen to Dianne’s experience as a trained volunteer sharing a monthly meal with Christine.
Monthly First Nations Elders Luncheon
Are you a First Nations Elder who would enjoy sharing a free monthly social group luncheon with other First Nations Elders? This takes place in partnership with Skwah First Nation in their Community Hall. In the video clip below, please listen to Lawrence’ experience, attending these monthly social luncheon opportunities.
Support For Caregivers Of Older Adults
Do you support an older adult loved one? Would you like to join a peer-facilitated weekly support group where you can share your experiences, successes, and challenges? The Family Caregiver Support Group meets every Thursday afternoon. Please refer to the poster below for more details. Additionally, one-on-one telephone support is also available.

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